Write confidently today with WhiteSmoke Grammar Check!
-Become a better speller - watch as WhiteSmoke Grammar Check corrects any spelling mistakes!
-Get started writing faster - hundreds of templates to choose from
-Watch your writing improve before your eyes
Why you need grammar checker software?
How do you react when you receive a business communication that has grammar or spelling errors in it? In all likelihood, you probably thought a little less of the sender. But the bad news is that these errors are very much the norm!
According to a recent study by WhiteSmoke, over 60% of business communications have grammatical errors such as missing words, misspells, apostrophe errors, and so on. Fact is, most of us don't have time to edit or proofread all our sentences and do a thorough grammar check. So why not use a grammar checker?
Think of all the important letters, emails, business proposals, or presentations you write. Can you imagine what the reader of those documents might think if 60% of them had mistakes?
Why risk jeopardizing an important business communication when you can get help from a grammar tool like the WhiteSmoke Grammar Check software?
WhiteSmoke software checks:
-Outlook Express
-Web-based email
-Business proposals
-Business letters
-College Essays
-In fact, anything you write!
Just some of the errors WhiteSmoke fixes:
-Misplaced apostrophes
-Adjective, Adverb misuse
-Auxiliary verb agreement
-Question marks and periods
-Misplaced commas
-Adding a determiner
-Subject-verb agreement
-Duplicated words
-Adding a preposition
-Missing words
-Hyphenated words
Download WhiteSmoke grammar checker software free now!